This expresive Katana is with mei and has a Hozon of NBTHK Tokyo. Masahiro forged this blade around 1650, meaning early shinto times. He was once one of the good smith of that period. It is slightly shortened, but the mei is complete, polish is great. I´m always fascinated by the touch ofthis powerful sword and Hamon.
Also the uchigatana Mounts is impressive. It comes with a Hozon itself and is great described by that:
kantei-sho (鑑定書)
kuro-urushi uzu-mon-nurisaya uchigatana-koshirae (黒漆渦文塗鞘打刀拵)
fuchigashira (縁頭): mumei (無銘), Sumiyoshi no zu (住吉図), shibuichi migaki-ji (四分一磨地), takabori (高彫), zôgan-iroe (象嵌色絵)
menuki (目貫): kiri-mon sansô no zu (桐紋三双図), shakudô-ji (赤銅地), katachibori (容彫), kin-iroe (金色絵)
tsuba (鐔): mumei (無銘), kichô-sukashi (鬼灯透), maru-gata (丸形), tetsu-ji (鉄地), nikubori-ji-sukashi (肉彫地透), maru-mimi (丸耳)
Migi wa tô-kyôkai ni oite shinsa no kekka, hozon-tôsôgu to kantei-shi kore o shô-suru.
Heisei jûhachinen rokugatsu nijûnananichi (平成十八年六月二十七日)
zaidan-hôjin (財團法人): Nihon Bijutsu Tôken Hozon Kyôkai (日本美術刀劍保存協會)
Length: 2 shaku, 3 sun, 2 bu han ( around 70cm )
Inscription: Omi Kami Hojoji Masahiro