This Katana made by Kawachi no Kami Kunisuke is an extrordinary beautiful, long perfect Katana. Please see Katana no 3025 as well, because it is the same smith.
On the saya Tanobe sensei ( former Präsident of the NBTHK ) wrote a sayagaki:
Sesshû Kobayashi Kawachi no Kami Kunisuke
ubu-nakago goji-mei ari kore, Naka-Kawachi to koshô-saru nidai Kunisuke nari
ubu-nakago with a goji-mei second generation Kunisuke named „Naka-Kawachi“
kobushigata-chôji o takumi ni yaki-môsu-sôrô, shikamo dôkô no tenkei wo shimeshi jiba no deki yoroshiku
excellent tempered kobushigata-chôji and the blade shows the typical jiba of this smith with an excellent deki
hachô ni-shaku go-sun yo ari kore
lenght of the blade 2 shaku 5 sun and a bit (~ 75,8 cm)
suiji kanoe-tora koyomi nagatsuki Tanzan Hendô kangamite narabi ni shirushite [kaô]
Considerd and noted by Tanzan Hendô (the Pseudonym Tanobes) in September of the year of the Tiger in this Periode (Heisei = 2010)
This perfect set has a Tokubetsu Hozon of the NBTHK and is fully inscripted with a full signature from Kawachi no Kami Kunisuke II.dai, sayagaki by Tanobe sensei on the shirasaya and with a great Koshirae. The Koshirae itself has a Tokubetsu Kicho Paper by the NBTHK !